The 4th of August 2021 is a very important milestone to MCCM and its roadmap going forward.
Following months of hard preparatory work, the first block of members were presented with their Membership certificates which event took place on the same day whereby the Chamber launched its Strategy for the period 2021 to 2023. The Strategy shall serve the Council and Chamber an overarching strategic plan that our chamber shall be working on in the immediate months and years.
This special event was hosted at the main hall of the Malta Chamber of Commerce in Valletta. The venue’s facility was chosen as part of the collaboration agreement MCCM has with The Malta Chamber of Commerce in Valletta.
Attendees to the event included the first block of members, our collaborators who through several agreements are assisting our members in various forms, and a number of special guests. Special Guests included Mrs Caroline Gumble CEO to CIOB, Hon Parl. Sec., responsible for Construction Chris Agius, and Hon. Dr Herman Schiavone the Opposition representative for the sector.
On the occasion, MCCM President Jesmond Chetcuti, Mrs Gumble and Hon Agius delivered speeches that encompass the occasion whilst our President presented the Chamber’s Strategy followed by the formal membership certificate award.
A special thank you goes to Mr. Keith Demicoli who hosted and mediated the event.