Following a study commissioned last year 83% of construction workers have experienced issues related to mental health. Stress and Anxiety amongst skilled workers and professionals working within the construction industry are extremely high and on the rise. The pressure to deliver projects in a timely manner including the drives to change the culture is amongst the causes of such stresses.
MCCM recognises these aspects and following the research conducted that included one to one meetings with members and professionals within the field of mental health, a draft plan on how to mitigate and alleviate such effects has been drawn up. One of the main solutions to mitigate the risk is the fitness and training area. The construction worker, being in a manual or managerial position, must have time to ‘switch off’ and ‘re charge the batteries.
MCCM encourages its Members to time manage their day and hence find time to re-charge and why not consider exercise and fitness!! Within this context, MCCM is pleased to announce that a collaboration agreement has been reached with Health Pit Operators Ltd, operators of a number of gyms, conveniently located all around the island, from Qormi to Valletta, Bormla to Marsascala.
Through this agreement, all the members of the MCCM can benefit from discounted prices upon signing with any of the gyms operated by Health Pit.
Health Pit Operators Ltd, Brand Manager Mr Alex Formosa noted with pleasure this agreement and his full support to MCCM’s mission and commented on how the company will be helping MCCM’s members to ‘switch off’ even for a few minutes from their daily pressures.

MCCM’s President Mr Jesmond Chetcuti expressed his satisfaction with the agreement and noted that even though gym membership might not seem like a direct stakeholder within the construction industry framework, MCCM strives to ensure that the well-being of its members is taken care of as personal health is key to the individual it adds value to performance.
More information on the gyms operated by Health Pit can be found on their website: