Ms Ami Baird of Ably Resources (UK), visited Malta specifically for our AGM during which we renewed our agreement with Ably. Jesmond Chetcuti expressed his appreciation to Ms Baird for the continuous belief that the company she represents, ABLY Resource, has in the Malta Chamber of Construction Management.

Credit to this agreement both local and foreign professionals looking into the chamber website will be having another window on job opportunities, not only in Malta but also in other countries around the world.
Ably Resources Director, Ami Baird, explained “Ably Resources have always been very pleased to recommend the Malta Chamber of Construction Management to our Candidates and Clients in Malta and I was delighted to have the opportunity to attend the first AGM. Given Ably’s focus on construction recruitment on the island, the partnership between MCCM and our company has proved invaluable over the past 12 months. There was never any question that our Agreement would not be renewed. Congratulations to the Chamber and the many quality focussed individuals who gained their certifications!”