It is official
On Friday the 10th of November, the government published the list of members that will be forming part of the newly set up Building and Construction Consultative Council.
We are honoured to say that our young chamber has been invited to form part of this council, a clear recognition of the work our chamber has been doing for the past two and a half years.
It is an honour being part of this council, especially when you consider the names of the other members and who they represent.
We want to take this opportunity to thank Perit Charles Buhagiar chairman of the old BICC (Building Industry Consultative Council) predecessor to the newly formed BCCC, who not only believed in the role of the Construction Project Manager and its importance in the local built environment but supported our chamber and gave us the opportunity to not only be present for the works of the BICC but even more importantly provided us with a platform to contribute towards the upscaling of the industry.
Now we look forward to the work the new BCCC will be embarking on, and we promise that the Construction Project Manager, through the Malta Chamber of Construction Management (with the support of its international partner the Chartered Institute of Building), will be at the forefront of the continuous upscaling of the local construction industry and the built environment.