Presentations by Minister Dr Jonathan Attard

Membership and CPD Certificates


On the 26th of June, the Minister for Justice and the Reform of the Construction Sector Hon. Jonathan Attard presented some of our members with their membership certificates.

This was the second event during which Dr Attard met our members, with the first occasion being his keynote speech at the Women in Construction Conference. This event was held for the second time at the Malta Chamber of Commerce on the 11th of April.

During last June’s event, apart from giving a keynote speech, Dr Attard presented the new members with their membership certificates and presented certificates of attendance to all those members who attended CPDs organised by our chamber. These CPDs are one the mainstays of our chamber and their organisation proves our beliefs in the upscaling of the local construction industry.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank all the lecturers who despite their busy schedules, accepted our invitation to share with our members their knowledge and expertise.

Furthermore, we would like to thank BCA which for the past months provided us with the necessary space in their Education Hub thus ensuring that these educational sessions could take place on a regular basis.

Finally, during the event carried out in June, Minister Attard was presented with one of the CIOB publications, the Code of Practice for Programme Management in the Built Environment. This publication was presented by Jesmond Chetcuti President of the MCCM and the Malta Representative of the Chartered Institute of Building.

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