The MOU between MCCM and the Malta Chamber of Commerce has since been executed and this enhances a closer collaboration and initiatives with respect to the desired improvements within the construction sector.
This MOU effectively means that our chamber shall benefit in terms of access to the Chamber of Commerce facilities but more importantly a platform whereby MCCM may participate directly in initiatives launched by the same Chamber of Commerce.
This milestone is another form of recognition that our chamber has since generated within the industry. Other entities and institutions are noticing that MCCM is not about an individual profession but is an evolving institution that embraces collectively an array of knowledge and experiences through its members, and who may actively contribute to the much-desired sector’s quality leap.

Of particular note, Ms Marisa Xuereb (Chamber of Commerce) commented:
“This agreement is a clear indication of our commitment to support the construction industry to become more professional. Construction managers will have a huge responsibility in the transformation of this sector and as Malta’s leading business representative body, The Malta Chamber will provide the required support to all players within this industry,”
On the other hand, our President Jesmond Chetcuti expressed his thoughts and emphasised on the fact that MCCM will not only be representing the interests of the various levels of construction management but also contribute towards the change in culture and mentality the construction industry will be going through in the coming years. ‘’
Looking forward to start actively collaborating towards attaining results.