Malta Chamber of Construction Management AGM 2023

And here it is…the official poster for our next AGM plus the agenda. As always this is going to be another occasion for our members, guests, and supporters to meet up for a catch-up, share opinions, goals, and vision for the local construction industry, whilst at the same time providing the same embers and guests with a summary of what our young chamber managed to achieve in the past 12 months.

As now is becoming the norm, the Minister responsible for the industry and the Opposition spokesperson will be honouring us with their presence and giving a keynote that I am sure will address the chamber concerns especially the rightful place of our profession within the local built environment.

Will not be missing, the usual message from the CIOB CEO Dr Caroline Gumble. The support that this global institution, led by Dr Gumble, has given not only to our chamber, but through us to the local built environment is second to none.
Finally, we will end the AGM with the presentation of new members’ certificates, certificates of attendance to all those who attended any of our CPDs and CoPs and the presentation to five great supporters of our cause with an Honorary Membership.

For more information on our AGM please feel free to contact us via email address [email protected] and [email protected]

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